
TOP consists of a language that defines equations to be solved (see equation files), a compiler wrapper designed to compile these equation files, and a python module to actually run computations.

Compiling an Equation File

Compiling an equation file is performed by the compiler wrapper top-build. Equation files are attached to a given star model, you have to provide top-build with the model corresponding to the equation file with the --model= option.

Example:top-build --model=poly_ester eq_poly_ester


The options you can pass to top-build are:

--latex=FILE enable LaTeX output to file FILE
--order=FILE use the file named FILE instead of the default one to manage the order of variable and equation.
--model=NAME this option is mandatory, it tells TOP which stellar model to use.
--cplx forces TOP to compile with the complex version.
--debug enable debug mode for the file compiled.

Running TOP

In order to use your newly compiled equation file, you need to use the top python module:

import top                       # imports the top module
import numpy as np               # imports numpy

p = top.load('eq_poly_ester')    # loads your compiled equation file
p.read_dati('dati')              # reads the parameter file `dati`

model = 'model/'                 # path to the model
shift = p.dati.shift

m = p.init_model(model)          # initializes the model stored in the directory
r = p.run_arncheb(shift)         # runs Arnoldi-Chebyshev method

# get the solutions
for i in range(0, r.nsol):       # for all solutions
    for var in p.get_vars(0):    # for each variable (in the fist domain)
        # plot the solution
        r.plot(0, i, v)          # quick plot of the solution

        # plot an expression of the solution:

        # get the solution
        val, vec, l = r.get_sol(0, i, v)

        # get the grid
        radius, theta = r.get_grid()
        cost = np.cos(theta)

        # get a field from the model
        h = m['hh']

        # project the solution onto the grid
        gv = top.leg.eval2d(vec, cost, l[0], 2, r.dati['m'])

        # actually plot the expression

For a detailed description of all functionalities available through the python module, see python API.